脂肪組織為許多生理代謝途徑的樞紐,並扮演著維持體內能量恆定的角色。脂質是否會堆積於脂肪細胞內,取決於脂質合成與分解兩者間的平衡。Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC1/ACC2)為催化脂肪酸合成第一步驟的酵素,是決定脂質合成速率的最主要因子。AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)為一代謝感應中樞,會受到禁食、運動及限制卡路里攝取等刺激的活化,來增加細胞內脂質及葡萄糖的代謝。AMPK可磷酸化ACC1/ACC2並抑制其活性。除了直接改變脂質合成相關酵素的活性外,脂質合成也能夠透過轉錄
癌症可視為一種代謝異常的疾病。目前已知癌細胞會比正常的細胞消耗更多的葡萄糖的及產生乳酸 (Warburg effect),並增加細胞內脂質及蛋白質的合成,及增加麩醯胺酸 (glutamine)的消耗,以利癌細胞的增生。Myc為一常見的致癌基因蛋白,在很多種癌細胞中皆被大量表達,並調控許多重要代謝酵素的生成。本實驗室研究發現Myc可透過表觀遺傳學的方式來調控基因啟動子甲基化的情形,並促進麩醯胺酸合成酶(Glutamine synthetase)的表現。因此本實驗室的研究目標為找出促使癌細胞異常生長的各種代謝途徑,並探討其分子調控機制,以利抗癌藥物的研發。

Yan et al. Molecular Therapy-Oncolytics. 2020.

Jhu et al. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021.
Research Interests:
Our lab is interested in exploring the molecular regulation of lipid synthesis and pursuing approaches to treat obesity and obesity-related diseases. Lipogenesis encompasses the process of fatty acid and triglyceride synthesis. There are several enzymes involved in lipogenesis including acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC1/ACC2), fatty acid synthase (FAS), and stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1). Our study focuses on the molecular mechanism of regulating lipogenesis in response to environmental signals, and we will use metabolomic approaches to define intermediates and metabolic pathways that are relevant to lipogenesis, which will enable to determine the key enzymes for targeting.
To investigate the molecular basis of lipogenesis, we have shown that ACC1/ACC2 is phosphorylated and inhibited through AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in response to glucagon. The metabolic sensor AMPK is stimulated upon fasting, exercise and calorie restriction to augment lipid and glucose metabolism. Myc is a well-known oncogenic protein in controlling cell growth and proliferation. Highly expressed oncogenic Myc has been shown to favor the conversion of glucose to lactate and increase the uptake and usage of glutamine in cancer cells. Both AMPK and Myc are key molecules regulating metabolic adaptations in response to environmental nutrients and hormones. Epigenetic regulation by means of DNA methylation has an important role in controlling gene expression but do not involve mutations of the DNA itself. We have recently shown that Myc functions as epigenetic regulators to mediate gene expression. Therefore, we are interested in investigating mechanotransduction (i.e., AMPK and Myc signaling), transcriptional and epigenetic regulation of lipogenesis in adipocytes, hepatocytes and cancer cells. We also want to determine the key enzymes for targeting in cancer metabolism and translation to the clinic.